- Blood agar plates
- Bovine serum albumin
- Chloroform (nice)
- Cover slips 22x40mm
- Cover slips 22x30mm
- Cover slip 22x22 mm
- Cover slip 25x25 mm
- Graduated khans tube (glass) silicon
- Malachite green
- Haematoxylin (harris)
- Semen diluting fluid
- Mpo stain
- Rapid pap stain kit
- Giemsa solution
- Mercuric oxide red
- Conc. Carbol fuschin
- Ea - 36 (eosin azure)
- Og - 6 (orange green)
- Periodic acid
- Alcian blue staining kit
- Alcian blue staining kit
- Pottassium ferro cyanide 2%
- Embedding rings
- Sodium acetate (anhydrous)
- Copper sulphate
- Pottassium alum
- Aluminum alum
- Rubeanic acid
- Iso - ompa
- Oxalic acid
- Tri- sodium citrate
- Acetylthicoline iodide
- Silver nitrate
- Gelatin powder
- Poly lysine
- Sodium phosphate
- Tris buffer tablets ph 7.0
- Edta powder
- Sodium di hydrogen phosphate
- Sodium citrate buffer ph 6
- Carbol fuchsion basic
- Methylene blue
- Schiff's reagent
- Ammonium sulphate
- Sodium nitroprusside
- Benedicts reagent
- N/ 10 hcl
- Glucose powder
- Nalidixic acid 30mcg
- Norfloxacin 10mcg
- Tetracycline 30mcg
- Tigecycline 15 mcg
- Vancomycin 30mcg
- Polymyxin - b (50u)
- Cephotaxime 30mcg
- Eosin [water soluble] yellow
- Formaline 10%
- Glycerin lr
- Isopropyl alcohol (nice)
- Liss solution / coombs
- Mac conkey agar
- Nutrient agar
- Paraffin wax
- Methanol (acetone free )
- Indicator ph paper range ph 2 to 10.5
- Urine strips glucose & ketones
- Yellow micro tips (5-100 microliter)
- Distilled water 5ltrs / can
- Biofix spray
- Dpx mountant
- Dpx mountant
- Edta powder
- Sulpho -salysilic acid 20% 500ml
- Barium chloride 10% 500ml
- Filter paper size: 8
- Leishman's s stain
- Glucose reagent (god/pod) liquid glod or
- Giemsa stain powder
- Filter paper / bloting paper (whatman)
size: 45cmx57cm
- Filter paper 56cmx 46cm
- Sodium hypochloride
- Liquid paraffin oil
- Acidic concentrate solution for
- Aluminium ammonium sulphate
- Gram's stain kit
- Giemsa ready solution
- Lacto phenol cotton blue s016
- Masson trichome ready solution
- Vangeioson stain
- Xylene
- Ziehl-neelsen stain
- Hi water testing kit (10 bottles)
- Paraffin wax- slab
- Furozolidine
- Nitrofurantoin
- Pencillin g 10mcg
- Sudan black stain kit
- Ferric chloride
- Ortho phosphoric acid 88 percent
- Thiosemicarbazide
- Diacetyl monoxime
- Picric acid
- Creatinine
- Hcl(conc )
- Phosphotungstic acid
- Uric acid
- Glacial acetic acid
- Formalin
- Bovine serum albumin
- Citric acid
- Triton x
- Cholestrol
- Absolute methanol
- Sulphanilic acid
- Sodium nitrite
- Bilirubin
- Chloroform
- Ammonium molybdate
- Metol
- Kh2po4
- Oxoglutaric acid
- Alpha asparto monosodium salt
- L- alanine
- 2,4 dinitro phenyl hydrazine
- Sodium pyruvate
- Disodium phenol phosphate
- 4 amino antipyrine
- Potassium ferrocyanide
- Phenol (crystalline and purified)
- Butanol
- Cysteine
- Phenyl alanine
- Tyrosine
- Tryptophan
- Arginine
- Histidine
- Ninhydrin
- Acetone
- Carbohydrate standards
- Silver nitrate
- Sodium thiosulphate
- Ethanol
- Tris
- Glycine
- Agarose
- Amido black
- Phosphate buffer
- Sterio bio plus (biological indicator
- Liquizime gallon
- Surgistain gallon
- Premixslip gallon
- Indicator for washer disinfector (level
1 - level 4)